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The Future of the #Occupy Movement: Solidarity and Escalation The movement can propel significant changes. But #OccupyWallStreet and its allied occupations still have a ways to go before realizing their …
How the anti-corporate protests have evolved into the populist force now sweeping the nation. By Mark Engler Published on October 5, 2011. #OccupyWallStreet is evolving. Now in its third week, …
#OccupyWallStreet protests are now well into their second week, and they are increasingly capturing the public spotlight. This is because, whatever limitations their occupation has, the protesters have done many …
We are again in need of your support, to feed the poor, and maintain our community. The Christian Faith as well as the great mystical traditions put so much emphasis …
We were called to help train this group of teachers on their hunger strike last spring. They said our experience from our previous fast and our medical contacts were very …
We consulted with these Bus Riders in their hunger strike against fare increases. These fare hikes are a tax on the poorest of the poor in Los Angeles. In addition …
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